National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency
Permitting and Licensing
National Environmental Permit and Licenses

Environmental permit(s) enable businesses and industrial facilities whose operations may have potential impact on the environment to be environment-friendly in their operations and comply effectively with the relevant environmental standards and regulations.


Environmental Audit
Nesrea Environmental Audit Report (EAR)

NESREA vide Section 8(k) of the Act establishing it, is empowered to ensure that existing industries undertake environmental audit and submit the reports of such everythree (3) years. This is required from medium and large scale industrial facilities, Telecom operators and Energy facilities

Environmental Management Plan
Nesrea Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Nesrea is empowered to ensure that Small or Micro scale industrial facilities / enterprises Prepare and Submit an Environmental Management Plan(EMP) for evaluation and certification.


Environmental Consultancy
Nesrea Environmental Consultancy

NESREA through it Partnership & Education (P&E) Department accredits competent environmental consultants who work independently with facilities to identify and address environmental concerns. Consultants conduct environmental audits and provide services in other environmental related areas.

